Knights of Columbus

Bishop R. O. Gerow Council 1034

The Knights of Columbus (KC) is an organization of Catholic men who perform service activities and support the work of the parish. The group, presided over by the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight, meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month (see schedule below). The KC headquarters are at the corner of State and South Union Streets.

August J. Stone 4th Degree Assembly #0559

This is a group of Knights who have achieved the highest rank in the Knights and usually serve as ceremonial guards at important liturgical functions. They meet on the third Monday of the odd-number months.

Meeting Schedule:

  • 2nd Monday of each month:
  • Business Meeting at 6:30 pm
  • 4th Monday of each month:
  • Potluck for families 6:30 pm

Anyone interested in joining the KC should contact the Grand Knight:

Stephen Nielsen
504.909.9875 or send Email

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The Basilica of Saint Mary
105 South Union Street
Natchez, MS 39120

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Church Office @Family Life Center
613 Main Street
Natchez, MS 39120
601.445.5616 | Email