All Catholic children in grades 1–12 who are not in Cathedral School are expected to attend our religious education classes.
For children ages 3 years up to 6th grade, religious education is held in the church’s atrium on Wednesday evening from 4:00–5:15 pm. Those in grades 7 – 12 attend RCIA with a parent on Thursday evenings from September through May.
Religious education programs are offered weekly for adults who are interested in growing their under-standing of the faith. On Sunday at 8:30 am Bible Study takes place in the conference room in the O’Connor Family Life Center.
RCIA serves as a great opportunity not only for Catholics to update their understanding of the faith but also for persons interested in becoming Roman Catholic. The program is offered at 6:00 pm on Thursday evenings from mid-September through May at the O’Connor Family Life Center.
Learn more about RCIA, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, and Praying the Rosary